Category Archives: IB Tips and News
What is a Leader?

The “Elephant” Chart Explains Why Many Hate Globalization
Although globalization has greatly benefited many people around the world, it hurt a lot one particular class of people. The “elephant” chart below shows who benefits and who is hurt by globalization. Globalization greatly increased income of:

If Facebook were a country…
If Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and other social media were countries, this is how they would compare to “real” countries. Facebook would be the largest country in the world, much bigger than China. WhatsApp would be almost 3 times the size of the U.S. Instagram would be a little bigger than the U.S. LinkedIn would be…

Where women live MUCH longer than men
Women tend to live a little longer than men. But in some countries, women live MUCH longer than men. Here are 10 where the gap in male vs. female life expectancy is the biggest. Reasons?

The Structure of International Trade is Changing
Global trade today is not as it was 25 years ago. 25 YEARS AGO: Most world trade is within Europe and the U.S. Asia’s trade with the rest of the world is very small. Rich trade with rich, poor don’t trade much. TODAY:

Wealth = More Leisure Time. Not for the U.S. though
There is a nearly perfect negative correlation between wealth and working hours: the wealthier the country, the less its people work. There is, however, one notable exception: the U.S. It is very, very rich. And Americans work very, very long hours.

How to lead the millennials?
As the new generation enters the labor force, companies have to adapt to the values of the millennials. Unlike their parents who were happy with secure 8 to 5 jobs, the millennials are driven by other ideals and desires. These are the biggest changes in Top 3 motivators at work for those born in the…

How big the the U.S. economy?
Here is a map that allows you to put it in a perspective. – The GDP of Saudi Arabia with its massive oil production is only as big as the GDP of Illinois. – Switzerland’s economy, with all its banks, cheese, chocolate and army knifes is only as big as that of Pennsylvania. – Or…

Currency Spread
International business vocabulary: Currency Buy-Sell Spread
Stereotypes about E.U. and U.S.
What the U.S. thinks about Europe? What Europeans think about Americans? What northern Europeans think about southern Europeans? What southern Europeans think about northern Europeans?