How It Works

main idea

Main idea

  • Trainees work in international teams with peers from around the world.
  • They solve real-life problems presented by real-life companies.
  • They learn about other countries and cultures and learn how to collaborate online and work in international teams.


  1. Professionals can enrol individually or as a group of between 4-10 participants.
  2. We provide them with online collaboration tools, teamwork, problem-solving, business writing, and more
  3. We put participants in international teams.
  4. Real international companies present real business challenges, and the students solve them.
  5. We monitor participants’ performance and send them weekly performance reviews.
  6. The teams present their suggested solutions to their client companies.
  7. The students receive X-Culture Global Virtual Team Certificates.
  8. The best participants are invited to the Global Business Week for Professionals.
Step by step
  1. International experience

    Complete a project in an international team where each team member is from a different country.

  2. Business consulting experience

    Solve a real business challenge for a real client company.

  3. Expand professional network

    Meet company CEOs, university professors, and professional peers from other countries.

  4. New knowledge and skills

    Training in cross-cultural communication, online collaboration tools, international business, business writing, and presentation skills.

  5. Cultural intelligence

    A significant improvement in cultural intelligence from before to after the project.

  6. X-Culture Certificate and Recommendation Letter

    You learn and grow. We provide a documented proof.

  7. Stronger resume for new opportunities

    X-Culture experience makes you a much stronger applicant for a stipend or job.


For Trainees

Benefits for Clients and Corporate Companies

Team power
  1. Enhanced employee engagement

    Compared to control groups (no X-Culture), people with X-Culture experience perform better at work.

  2. Improved management skills

    X-Culture nurtures leadership skills in its participants, and those with a history of participating in the X-Culture program are better leaders

  3. Improved appraisal and evaluations

    Compared to control groups, students who have X-Culture give their line managers higher evaluations and work more independently than the ones with no X-Culture experience.

  4. Improved self-confidence

    Self-confidence is one of the key skills that are considered when employing staff, and participating in the X-Culture program enhances this skill.

  5. Professional network:

    Participants meet hundreds of participants and business professionals on the X-Culture team.

  6. Documented proof of your achievement

    X-Culture Global Certificate and support letters sent to your supervisor or department head. You do a great job; we make sure the world knows about it.

  7. Interactive and experiential learning

    The workplace is becoming global. Learning how to work across cultures in the classroom is like learning to swim on a football field. X-Culture is developing new working methods for the new today – and you can be part of our team.

What Is X-Culture?

Professionals participating in the X-Culture program work in international teams with peers from other countries.

They solve real-life problems presented by real-life companies

In the process, the participants learn how to work across cultural differences and time zones and learn the basics of international business.

Every semester, about 6,000 people from over 60 countries take part in X-Culture. Over 80,000 students have participated in X-Culture.

The professionals usually participate as company cohorts, guided by our coaches or qualified volunteer supervisors. The cohorts whose teams show the best results present their projects to their client company’s Board members and CEOs.

Program Design

Theoretical Training
(4 weeks)

  • Cross-cultural communication.
  • Problem solving in teams.
  • Team leadership.
  • Online collaboration tools.
  • The art of writing winning business proposals.
  • Plagiarism and academic referencing.
  • The basics of international business.

Practical Training
(8 weeks)

  • Professional participants are placed in international teams, each team member in a different country.
  • Real companies present real international business challenges.
  • Real time zones, real cultural differences.
  • All communication online and in English.
  • Live webinars with the client CEOs.

Post-Project Reflections
(4 weeks)

  • Professional participants present their work at an online teleconference (Optional).
  • Participants write reflection memories about the program (optional).
  • Receive X-Culture Global Virtual Team Certificates and Recommendation letters
  • Best students are invited to the X-Culture Global Business Week.

Quick Facts

  1. X-Culture launched: 2010
  2. Number of students per session: 6,000
  3. Number of universities per session: 190
  4. Number of countries by student residence: 40
  5. Number of countries by student nationality: 75
  6. Total number of X-Culture graduates since 2010: 85,800
  7. Total number of universities since 2010: 371
  8. Total number of university professors since 2010: 908
  9. Notable clients: Mercedes-Benz, Louis Vuitton, Home Depot, Hard Rock International, JCB
  10. Number of clients per session: 10-15
  11. Open for non-student adults: 2015
  12. Open for pre-college youths: 2018


It was an eye-opener! I learned a lot about other cultures and business and enjoyed the experience!
Ninette, Spain
It a was a challenge to work with students from different countries. But it was a great opportunity to learn how to deal with different cultures.
Visar, India
I really feel I learned a lot about working with people from other countries. I am now closer to my dream of getting a job in a global company.
Shu, China
I was in a job interview and it was going nowhere. Then I mentioned my X-Culture experience and the interviewer’s eye lit up.
I got the job.

Matthew, USA
I was applying to universities in the U.S. and my X-Culture experience helped set me apart from other applicants. Nobody had such experience. I really think it helped me get the stipend.
Guilia, Italy
It has been two years since I participated in X-Culture. It was hard to work with people from different countries. Looking back though, it was the best traing for my career.
David, Canada

Participation Fee


Stipends available *

4-10 people

Stipends available *


  • X-Culture is an educational program, not a business. While we depend on the participation fees to cover our operation costs, we are committed to providing an opportunity to every deserving student, even if they cannot pay the participation fee.
  • Students who receive the X-Culture stipends must maintain high performance throughout the project, or the stipend may be revoked.

Upcoming Dates

2024-2: August 24 - December 20, 2024
Application deadline: August 24, 2024

Hurry up!