Category Archives: X-Culture Stories

2022 X-Culture Global Symposium in Panama City, FL
The 2022 X-Culture Global Symposium Post-event reflections . The first in-person X-Culture student gathering since the 2019 San Antonio and 2019 Calgary symposia. Then two years of online events. . Online offers many advantages, but in-person gatherings are so much better. A whole different level of engagement, relationship forging, learning, and fun. …
X-Culture Global Symposium in Calgary: Post-Event Reflections
THE 2019 X-CULTURE GLOBAL SYMPOSIUM IN CALGARY: REFLECTIONS As I am flying to the 2019 X-Culture Global Symposium in San Antonio, I cannot keep putting off writing up my reflections on the last big event in Calgary. Starting tomorrow, my head will be filled with the information about this next event and I won’t…
X-Culture Data for Dissertation Research
A video summary of a Master’s thesis that used X-Culture data. I am very happy that X-Culture data have now been used in half a dozen doctoral dissertation and master’s thesis research projects (6 successful defenses so far). Two students at the Southern Denmark University, Valeriia Gorina and Sophie Bastholt explored “The Impact of Cultural…
After 15 months of testing and trying, it seems like X-Culture Kids is gaining momentum. We tested the program with a few dozen kids in 2018-1 and 2018-2, determined that it works, the kids are learning A LOT about other cultures, business, and even simple things like how to properly write an email or schedule…

20 stipends. The X-Culture giveaway.
X-Culture is an experiential learning program for international business. About 10,000 university students from 160 universities in 40 countries on 6 continents take part in X-Culture every semester. First, the students receive training that covers the basics of international business, cross-cultural communication, leadership, teamwork, online collaboration tools, and business writing. Then, working in international teams,…

X-Culture Academy Participation Fees
X-Culture is not a for-profit business or a company in a traditional sense. X-Culture is a community of hundreds of professors around the world who work together to provide their students with an opportunity to learn international business through experience. Every professor who joins the X-Culture community helps us run the project. Some professors help…

InnoVits Business Accelerator
ANY STARTUP FOUNDERS/MANAGERS HERE? One of X-Culture’s partners, an Italian business accelerator/incubator Innovits runs an annual idea competition with the purpose of selecting and nurturing the highest potential projects. They have two programs: Gymnasium Academy The acceleration program is called Gymnasium lasts about 5 months. Meetings are scheduled every 2 weeks with…

Research Xackathon, Greensboro, NC
Research network workshop on “The concept of cultural archetypes – A way of measuring culture and improving our understanding of cultural differences?” University of North Carolina, USA, August 15 – 17, 2018 Mid of August 2018 the members of the research network met with various researcher from Australia and the U.S. for a workshop on…
X-Culture Kids Presentations
PREPARE TO BE AMAZED. X-CULTURE KIDS PRESENTATIONS. As you may know, this semester we tested if kids ages 9-14 can participate in X-Culture, if they are capable of and would benefit from completing a business consulting projects in global virtual teams. 99 kids completed the project. They worked in teams of about 5, each person from…
X-Culture Kids: Reflections after the Global Symposium in Italy Here is what we know after testing X-Culture Kids for 9 months. [gm album=46] So, after years of parents asking to enroll their kids in X-Culture, I gave in and allowed 100 kids take part in the project alongside the university students last spring. It went…