Category Archives: Resources

Unique X-Culture Challenges with Photos (And Possible Solutions)
X-Culture has a unique problem. It’s hard to make photos “about” X-Culture. It’s easy to have photos “about” a business, or “about” a university. You take photos of the office building, or campus, or your employees in a conference room, or your product, or students in a classroom. That won’t work for X-Culture. We have…

X-Culture Vision: Industries We Could Change
COMING SOON It appears large-scale collaboration, open-source research and crowd sourcing – the principles at heart of X-Culture, have already changed a number of industries. The largest accommodation provider owns no hotels (Airbnb) The largest taxi service provider owns no cars (Uber) The largest retailers have no stores (Alibaba, Amazon) The largest video entertainment provider owns no…
$100 Discounted Coaching Program Fee
Your university/Name here
$450 Coaching Program Fee
Your university/Name here

Bad Logos
Restricted! 21+ You have to be very careful when selecting your company logo. What you think is great may have a horrible connotation in another culture (of when looked at closer).
The X-Culture International Business Competition is open to everyone, not only the fortunate few from participating universities. Give it a try, strengthen your resume, meet new people, and possibly make money and start a new career. Join the 3,500 contestants already signed up for the competition. Apply by Oct 3. More information: