All posts by Vas Taras

Hell Week

The Navy SEAL “Hell Week” is the third week of the famously grueling BUD/S training. The official description reads, “Hell Week tests physical endurance, mental toughness, teamwork, attitude, and your ability to perform work under high physical and mental stress, and sleep deprivation.” It is a perfect description of the last week of each X-Culture…

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A student story

Just saw J.T. Hinson, one of our former X-Culture participants. He participated in the competition last year. His story is very inspiring. His team still stays in touch and communicates on a regular basis. After his team won the X-Culture Competition, his employer was so impressed with J.T.’s work that he offered to pay J.T.’s…

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Instructor Round Table Webinar: Performance Tracking and Grading

X-Culture Instructor Experience Sharing Webinar Time: Tuesday, April 11, 9 am (EST/New York) Presenters: Round table, everyone is invited as a panelist Topics: Overview of the performance indicators we already track Suggestions for other performance indicators we should track? Commonly used approaches to grading: good or bad and what’s better? Use of peer evaluations to identify…

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