All posts by Vas Taras

EXPERIMENTS WITH BOOSTING RESEARCH PRODUCTIVITY This summer, we have tested three different ways of boosting research productivity. In June, right before the AIB conference, we ran a 4+3 Day Research Xackathon: It was a full-flagged Silicon-Valley-style hackathon, where we basically locked ourselves in a lab on a university campus (UWLX) for several days and did non-stop…

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2018 Nashville, TN, USA

    X-Culture / Academy of International Business Student Symposium    icon-calendar  Dates: November 1-3, 2018.  icon-location-arrow  Location: Nashville, TN Hosted by Belmont University icon-group  Number of participants: Limited to 50 students. The selection process is competitive. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrated excellence in past X-culture participation.  

The Payment Challenge

Have you tried paying to or receiving money from 40+ countries?  X-Culture receives payments from about 40 countries: universities paying for participating in the project; students registering for the X-Culture Symposium. Sometimes students don’t get a visa to attend the symposium, so we must issue a refund. Here is what I have learned so far: