X-Culture Business Week Registration, $2,095
Event page: https://x-culture.org/2025-x-culture-global-business-week/
Registration deadline: May 30, 2025, 11:59 pm EST
• Pay with credit/debit card:

(Please, write your full name on the “invoice number” field)
Use the form above for an electronic credit/debit payment.
However, if you prefer to pay by check or bank wire transfer, the payment instructions are below:
• Check, money order:
Payable to X-Culture Inc.
1217 Lakewood Dr.
Greensboro, NC, 27410, U.S.A.
• Bank electronic wire transfer:
Well Fargo Bank, N.A.
Market Branch, Greensboro, NC
Routing #: 053000219; Account #: 9298841538; SWIFT: WFBIUS6S
For domestic wire transfers, please use 121000248 as the routing number.
We noticed our main bank does not always process credit cards from some countries.
If the credit card link above (blue button) didn’t work for you, try this one instead from our secondary bank:
$2,095 X-Culture Global Symposium Registration Fee
You can pay with PayPal or Visa / MasterCard credit or debit card