Category Archives: IB Tips and News

What do teenagers fear most?
WHAT DO TEENAGERS FEAR MOST? It depends on where they are from. …

How they spend their money
How do people in different countries spend their money? U.S.: over 20% of income on healthcare (and it is not helping much), but only 7% on food and transportation. E.U.: much more than others on restaurants, but very little on education (free or cheap there) Japan: much more than others on housing. Russia: more than 30% of…
Globalization + and –
The Pros And Cons Of Globalization from Forbes Pros 1. Free trade is supposed to reduce barriers such as tariffs, value added taxes, subsidies, and other barriers between nations. This is not true. There are still many barriers to free trade. The Washington Post story says “the problem is that the big G20 countries…

Strange National Borders
Residents Of Naco, Arizona And Naco, Mexico Play Volleyball Match Over Fence Between USA And Mexico

West vs. East
WEST vs. EAST Drinks