Tim van der Meijde
the Netherlands
Funds raised: $0
My name is Tim van der Meijde, 25 years old. I’m from a small place called Utrecht (45 minutes away from Amsterdam), located in the Netherlands. I consider myself a hard-working, dedicated and full of potential to pursue my dreams. I’m a International Communication & Media Honor-graduate in my final year at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht, Netherlands. I work on marketing communication problems in my last year for real-time clients that require personal-fit and hands-on solutions to address the problem.
I would love to experience creating and providing the solution while presenting it personally to the organization in question. To make those dreams come true and to increase my experience in the field, I would really like to attend the X-Culture Conference in Savannah, Georgia to be able to grasp towards that dream.
is one of the Top 50 students who will be attending the X-Culture Symposium in Savannah, GA in November. We invite you to help Tim to raise funds for her trip, either by Timmaking a targeted donation for a particular trip expense category, or donating any amount of your choosing.
100% of your donation will go to Tim.