Maria Feola
Funds raised: $0
My name is Maria Feola, I’m 23. I live in a small town 1 hour away from Milan, in the northern part of Italy. I am studying Foreign Languages and Communication at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Brescia, Lombardy, Italy.
I am a very determined person, I won’t stop until I find a solution to any problem coming up.
I am generally positive and eager to learn, make new experiences and grow, professionally and personally.
I would really like to take part in the X-Culture Symposium in Savannah, to have the opportunity of meeting new people, both top X-Culture students, and managers of important international companies. This might be an excellent opportunity for my future career, as nowadays for young people might be very difficult to find a good job.
As the Symposium is held in Savannah, USA, the cost of attending the event is going to be substantial. I would be very grateful if you helped me.
is one of the Top 50 students who will be attending the X-Culture Symposium in Savannah, GA in November. We invite you to help Maria to raise funds for her trip, either by Mariamaking a targeted donation for a particular trip expense category, or donating any amount of your choosing.
100% of your donation will go to Maria.