Exceeding All Limits
X-Culture handles an enormous amount of email correspondence.
Our email accounts (admin@X-Culture.оrg and v_tаrаs@uncg.edu) must be more internationally connected emails in the world. I am not exaggerating. On a given day, each account receives 200-300 emails from an average of 25-30 countries. And at least once a week, we sent out about 10,000 emails to 45 countries. Sometimes more.
The correspondence with the X-Culture students and professors. All those survey invitations, reminders, newsletters. I am not even counting personal correspondence.
We are occasionally blocked as our email providers limit correspondence to 500 outgoing personal emails per day and 50,000 outgoing survey-related emails. It’s a huge problem, because tends of thousands of people depend on these accounts.
In this blog, I will share with you the challenges of email overload we face, the tricks we use to stay under limit – as well as ask for your help with solving some remaining problems.
By Vas Taras
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