Category Archives: X-Culture Webinars

XAA Webinar – How to Write a Winning Report
Do it Right: The Winner Business Report vs. A Business Report. The webinar covers tips and best practices of: – Report structure – Researching and citing sources – Tips for developing each report section

Polaris Industries
Mr. Pankaj Dubey India Subsidiary Chief Operating Officer Scheduled for: Wednesday, April 20, at 8:00 am – 9:00 am New York time

Vita Markeviciute Owner, CEO Email your answers to 9 am – 10 am (New York time), March 15, 2016 UPDATE: The March 15 Webinar video has been lost due to a technical error. Sincere apology for the absence of the recording.

Mobius SLIP
Dr. Dmytro Babik Co-Founder, CFO

Caffè Vergnano
Caffè Vergnano Giovanni Chiappano Export Area Manager Coffee Shop 1882 Italy

Willowy Mom Michelle Rofe, owner and CEO Scheduled for April 12, 10 am New York time Send your questions to

System in Motion
Shanghai, China

Me Late Chocholate
X-Culture Webinar Ms. Veronica Rendon Medellin, Colombia Hosted: Sept 3, 2015.