Alfredo Jimenez
Dr. Jiménez holds a Master degree in Business Economy Research and a PhD in Business Economy. He is currently an Associate Professor at Kedge Business School in Bordeaux. Previously he was Associate Professor at the University of Burgos in Spain. His research interests are focused on the process and the determinants of success in the internationalization strategy of firms. His current lines of research include the impact of institutional variables, political risk, cultural and psychic distance and corruption on foreign direct investment and entrepreneurship. In addition, he is also working on a research line devoted to virtual team and multi-cultural team management and dynamics. He has previously published several papers in international relevant journals, including Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, International Business Review and European Journal of International Management. He has also been a visiting scholar in different institutions in Norway, Germany, Australia, Italy, Ecuador and Mexico. He also participates in the X-Culture Project as an instructor.