20 stipends. The X-Culture giveaway.
X-Culture is an experiential learning program for international business. About 10,000 university students from 160 universities in 40 countries on 6 continents take part in X-Culture every semester.
First, the students receive training that covers the basics of international business, cross-cultural communication, leadership, teamwork, online collaboration tools, and business writing.
Then, working in international teams, they complete a consulting project for a real business client. 6 people per team, each in a different country. Matched by age.
The students solve real-life problems presented by real-life companies. In the process, the students learn how to work across cultural differences and time zones and learn the basics of international business.
The pre-college youths usually participate as school teams, supervised by a teacher or a qualified volunteer parent. The schools whose teams show the best results receive X-Culture Trophies.
Academically gifted teens can also be enrolled by their parents individually.
Upon a successful completion of the project, all trainees receive X-Culture International Business Certificates and recommendation letters.
The X-Culture program is not free. However, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to receive X-Culture training. Therefore, we are giving away 20 X-Culture Stipends that will cover 100% of the program fee.
Eligibility, Individuals:
- Age: 10 to 17
- Conversational in spoken and written English
- Have access to a computer / Internet
- Eager to meet people from other countries and learn more about international business
- Kids younger than 16 must be approved and supervised by a parent or legal guardian
Eligibility, Schools:
- A team of 3-30 students
- Supervised by a teacher or a parent
- + all of the above for Individuals
The dates for the upcoming training sessions
- 2019-Spring: January 28 – May 31, 2019
- 2019-Summer: June 3 – August 30, 2019
- 2019-Fall: September 2 – December 20, 2019
Giveaway Conditions
The Facebook
and Instagram users are eligible for the X-Culture Stipend giveaway.- Start: Tuesday, December 11, 2018, 11:59 a.m. EST
- End: Sunday, December 30, 2018, 11:59 a.m. EST
For a chance to get one of the 20 X-Culture Stipends:
- Like the giveaway post on Facebook and/or Instagram
- Share the giveaway post on Facebook and/or follow X-Culture Page on Instagram
- Write in comments:
- Individuals: Full legal name, age, city, country, preferred semester (Spring, Summer, Fall)
- Schools: Name of the school, city, country + tag of a teacher or principal of the school, the teacher or the principle will have to reply to the comment with a confirmation that the school is interested in the X-Culture stipend for its team.
Frequently Asked Questions
If I win and cannot participate, can I get the cash equivalent of the prize?
- No, the X-Culture Stipend is not redeemable for cash.
Can I enter for a chance to win the X-Culture Stipend on both Facebook and Instagram?
- Participating on both Facebook and Instagram doubles your chances of winning the stipend.
Can I enter multiple times in multiple comments on Facebook and Instagram?
- Yes, you can enter in the contest multiple times by providing your name or nominating your school multiple times in multiple comments and it will increase your chances of being randomly selected and receive the stipend. However, please be reasonable and refrain from spamming the comment feed.
Should I copy and paste the text as a new post on Facebook, or should I share the original post with the contest announcement?
- Must share the original post, not copy and paste as a new post.
How will I know if I won the X-Culture Stipend?
- The selection of the winners will be broadcast live on Facebook. Once the winners have been selected, they will be contacted via Facebook and/or Instagram (messaging function must be enabled).
Do I have to provide my real name?
- Yes. Inaccurate information will lead to disqualification.
Can I leave comments other than my enrollment in the contest?
- Yes, you are welcome to share your views on the X-Culture program or this contest or ask questions in the comments below the post. However, we reserve the right to delete irrelevant or inappropriate comments.
If I want to nominate my school for the stipend, do I have to first ask the school principal or teacher for a permission?
- School teams interested in participating in the X-Culture training program and competition must be supervised by a teacher or a volunteer parent instructor. The participation of the school team must be approved by the school administration. For the school nominations, the school principal, teacher, or parent instructor must confirm in comments their interest and readiness to assemble a team of 3-30 qualified students and participate in the X-Culture Program/competition as per X-Culture rules and schedule. Additional phone/Skype meeting will be arranged to confirm details.
If I win the stipend but cannot participate in the program, can I transfer my stipend to another person?
- Yes, the contest winners can transfer their stipend to a different student or school team. However, the person/school must meet the X-Culture qualification requirements listed above.
If I win the X-Culture Stipend, am I guaranteed the admission to the program?
- Yes, but with some restrictions. The X-Culture training program is comprised of the Theoretical and Practical Training phases. Winning the stipend does not guarantee the advancement to the Practical phase of the program. Before starting the Practical training, every participant must complete 16 theoretical training modules and take 4 theory tests. The students must pass all 4 theory tests to advance to the Practical Training phase and complete the project as members of international teams. The X-Culture stipend winners who fail the theory tests will be allowed to transfer their stipend to the next semester and try again. Failing the theory tests the second time will result in the revocation of the stipend.
Learn more about the X-Culture Academy Project.
Our other programs for university students and for non-student professionals.
Good luck!