Proactive Personality

Description of the project:

“We assume the concept of proactive personality to be an appealing concept for research and dedicated for the available data-set that has been created in an educational set but regarding practical conditions

for international teamwork.”


Main research questions/Hypetheses:

“Linking proactive personality of team-leaders/followers and (team/individual) performance, we state the following hypotheses:

  • H1: The higher the proactive personality of the leader the higher the team performance will be
  • H2:The higher the proactive personality of the leader the higher the individual performance will be
  • H3: The higher the proactive personality of the team-followers the higher the team per-formance will be
  • H4: The higher the proactive personality of the team followers (measured as team aver-age exclusive leader) the higher the individual performance (measured by variance analysis) will be
  • H5: Teams having a better leader-follower proactive personality fit will achieve a better team performance than teams with a lower degree of follower-leader proactive personality fit
  • H6: Teams having a better leader-follower proactive personality fit will achieve a better individual performance (measured by variance analysis) than teams with a lower degree of follower-leader proactive personality fit.


Furthermore we assume that the degree of the team´s cultural closeness influences the relationships of proactive personality (regarding leader, follower and fit) and the performance (team and individual performance) in that way that a higher degree of closeness affects the relationship positively (H7a).


The degree of team-closeness can be determined regarding inter-member average distance on the dimensions of Hofstede/Schwartz/GLOBE as captured by using national-level data generalized from the country to the team member from the country (already done by X-Culture team).The factor of openness (for example: Pre-Test JZ-KD expectations of working with members of different cultures) can be integrated, either within cultural context or separately in addition to proactive personality. We assume that a high openness of the whole team on an average influences the relationships between proactive personality (regarding leader, follower and fit) and performance (team and individual performance) positively (H7b). ”


Lead authors:

Alexander Bode

Katja Mueller

Dilek Zamantili

 Status: Launched in 2014, temporary dormant